American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Council for Exceptional Children
Zihinsel Yetersiz Çocukları Yetiştirme ve Koruma Vakfı
Down Sendromu:
Welcoming babies with Down syndrome
Global Down Syndrome Foundation
National Association for Down Syndrome
Down Syndrome Resource Foundation
European Down Syndrome Association (EDSA)
Down Syndrome Education International
The National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS)
Görme Engelli Bireyler:
American Foundation for the Blind
Teaching Students with Visual Impairments
National Federation of the Blind
Türkiye Görme Engelliler Spor Federasyonu
BlindLook | Herkes için erişilebilir bir dünya.
William Sendromu
WİLLİAMS SENDROMU – Nadir Hastalıklar
Williams Sendromlu Çocuklar(Makale-2) | ZİÇEV
National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)
Genetic Testing Registry: Williams syndrome